16 Ways you can Discover new Things in Life you Love

Pursuing something you’re passionate about can profoundly impact your life. Discovering new passions is a transformative journey that brings personal fulfillment, happiness, and a meaningful, well-balanced life.

If you’re looking for things to discover that give your life fresh meaning, this post is for you.

I’m writing this blog post because I discovered my passion for writing and researching ways to improve our everyday lives.

Yes, I am a writer and researcher with a deep passion for personal development, self-care, mindfulness, and personal growth. This passion led me to start this blog and helped me realize my writing skills, greatly benefiting my career.

For context, I work as a digital marketing professional.

So, how did I find my passion for personal development, writing, and other interests?

That’s exactly what this blog post is about.

If you’re feeling stuck or unsure about your likes and dislikes, this post will help you. I’m going to share 16 things to discover that will help you find your true passions.

Before we begin, remember: it’s possible to start liking new things.

How to Discover New Passions in Life

1. Make a list of the things you love to do

The first thing on my list is about brainstorming a list of things you like doing. 

Who knows you might discover something totally new that you loved doing but never took note of it. 

That’s the magic in this method. 

It can be a valuable exercise in self-discovery and can help you find your passion in several ways. 

Steer clear of home-based entertainment activities such as playing video games or watching TV, and instead, concentrate on tasks you find fulfilling—whether at work or in other aspects of your life. Aim to compile a list of at least five such activities.

Once you have a list, look for patterns or common themes among the activities. Use the list as a starting point for trying out new things. Engage in activities you haven’t tried before but align with your interests.

Are there specific types of activities, skills, or environments that consistently appear on your list? 

Identifying the patterns can provide insights into your underlying interests.

As you review your list, consider exploring related activities that you may not have thought of before. 

For example, if you love painting, you might also enjoy other visual arts or creative pursuits like sculpting or digital design.
Plus tip: Share your list with friends, family, or colleagues. They may suggest new activities, hobbies, or opportunities that align with your interests.

2. Notice what inspires you

Inspirational activities tend to energize and excite you.

Pay attention to anything and everything in your life that sparks something in you. A good place to start is to look at your life right now and see what glimmers of passion you already have, and then acknowledge yourself for creating that.

Stop and scan your daily routine. Is there a song that makes your feet tap? A book that keeps you up late? A skill you’ve always wanted to try? 

These sparks, however small, are whispers of your passions waiting to be heard. Acknowledge them, embrace them, and watch them grow.

Take the time to reflect on why certain activities resonate with you. 

What aspects of them do you find appealing? 

This self-reflection can provide valuable clues about your interests and passions.

3. Take a look at online courses

Girl doing online courses.

Online courses provide a flexible and accessible way to learn.

Online learning platforms like Cousera, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning and edx are a great place to start. 

As you browse, notice what topics, titles, or descriptions instinctively draw you in. This natural pull towards certain subjects is a clue to your underlying interests and potential passions.

I have mentioned that I work as a digital marketer, while going through Cousera I found courses on project management, cybersecurity and web design captured my attention. 

If I hadn’t looked up on these platforms, I might not have known that these are the topics I am also interested in and doing these courses can add value to my resume. 

So if you are looking to learn something new, try checking these online e-learning platforms.

4. Reflect on the most meaningful times of your life

Meaningful experiences often align with our core values.

Look for common elements among these experiences. Are there specific activities, skills, or environments that consistently stand out? Identifying these patterns can guide you toward potential passions.

Another benefit of looking at meaningful experience is that they also help us to uncover our talents and strengths. 

Reflecting on what you excelled at during your best time can provide clues about activities that align with your natural abilities. 

These can help you define the types of goals that are most fulfilling for you. 

Setting and pursuing meaningful goals is a key aspect of finding passion and fulfillment.

5. Create a personal vision statement/vision board

I used to think it was a waste of my time to create a vision statement of my life. 

It seemed too Tony-Robbins-ish.

On the contrary, I have noticed that the most interesting, accomplished people I know all have a vision for their lives.

People avoid creating a vision statement for their life because they believe that the exercise of creating a personal vision statement is futile.

But having a personal vision statement serves as a compass, guiding you towards your deepest aspirations and the life you yearn to lead. 

You must be thinking – How does having a vision statement  help you discover new things in life?

To answer that question, let’s look at how to create a vision for your life?

How to create a vision for your life?

Step 1

First you need to identify what matters the most in your life

Step 2

List the categories of things that matter to you. The categories currently on my list are – Health, Exercise, Self-Care, Mindfulness, Self-Introspection.

Your list can and should look different. It’s all about what matters to you and what you want out of your brief time on this planet.

Step 4

For each of your categories write down what you want or need from each. 

Think about the things you want to accomplish or experience, and walk backwards to understand how the other categories should support your life’s vision.

Step 5

Finally craft a statement that describes what your ideal life looks like. I know it might seem cheesy, but this entire exercise can be incredibly fun and rewarding.

Your vision statement will contain a description of your ideal life, combined with a list of areas that matter most, and high-level goals for each area.

Step 4 is the most important step that will help you to find new things that you can do in your life.  This is the step where you introspect on what makes your life worthwhile. 

For example,I had the category of self-care. Here’s what my list looks like in this space:

Emotional Self-care

Do something nice for someone and make sure no one can trace it back to you—an incognito act of kindness.

Mental Self-care

  • Take a moment at the end of each day and consciously list a few good things in your life. This can help refocus your emotions on all the positive things that happen each day, even when it doesn’t seem like it.
  • Listen to an album you loved when you were younger but haven’t heard in a long time.

Physical Self-care

  • Try acupuncture
  • Get a massage

Spiritual Self-Care

Read some nice book on philosophy by a well known philosopher

You can do the same for your list and see what new passions you can try next!

6. Surround yourself with people of similar interests

Even within a community of shared interests, individuals may have diverse experiences and perspectives. 

Engaging with people who have similar interests but different viewpoints can expose you to new ideas and ways of thinking, broadening your understanding and introducing you to novel concepts.

You may discover new things in life through connections with others who introduce you to new hobbies, activities, or even career opportunities. Your network can be a valuable source of information and inspiration.

7. Practice journaling

Journaling allows you to reflect on your thoughts, experiences, and emotions.

Through this reflection, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your values, and what truly matters to you.

You can explore your interests, thoughts, and feelings on paper, making it easier to recognize patterns and recurring themes.

By regularly journaling, you may start noticing patterns in the topics that excite you, bring you joy, or make you feel fulfilled.

These patterns can be indicative of your passions or areas of interest.

8. What do you love to talk about or learn

Two girls talking

Sometimes, just hearing yourself talk about what you love can spark ideas. You might find yourself saying, “I never thought about it that way before,” or “I wonder if I could take this further.” It’s like you’re brainstorming without even trying.

As you talk about what you love, you start to notice patterns. Maybe you’re really into cooking, but as you chat with friends, you find yourself drawn to the science behind it. Suddenly, you’re curious about food chemistry or nutrition. You might not have realized it before, but now you’re intrigued.

Another thing is that talking about what you love opens up doors to new experiences. Your friends might suggest activities related to your passion that you’ve never considered. You could end up trying something new and discovering a whole new world of interests.

And let’s not forget about the people you meet along the way. When you’re passionate about something, you attract like-minded individuals. These connections can lead to collaborations, mentorships, or even lifelong friendships. It’s amazing how sharing your interests can bring people together.

So, yeah, talking about what you love isn’t just about sharing. It’s about exploring, discovering, and connecting. 

Who knows? You might just stumble upon a new passion that lights up your life in ways you never imagined.

9. Wander around a bit

So, picture this: you’re strolling down the street, taking in the sights and sounds, and suddenly you spot a little cafe tucked away in a corner. You decide to check it out, and boom! Turns out they have the best homemade pastries you’ve ever tasted. 

Who would’ve thought?

Or maybe you’re meandering through a park, and you come across a group of people doing tai chi. You’ve always been curious about it, so you join in and discover a new way to relax and stay fit. 

It’s like finding a hidden gem right in your own neighborhood.

And let’s not forget about those chance encounters with interesting people. You strike up a conversation with someone at a bookstore, and before you know it, you’re swapping book recommendations and discovering a whole new genre you never knew you loved.

10. Visit tourism and city information centers in person

You know, sometimes all it takes to discover something new is a visit to your local tourism information center. It’s like a treasure trove of ideas waiting to be explored.

Think about it: you walk in, and there are brochures and pamphlets everywhere showcasing all the cool things to do in your area. And guess what? Somewhere in that pile, there might be something related to your passion that you never even knew existed.

Let’s say you’re into hiking. You stop by the center, and they point you to this hidden trail that leads to a breathtaking waterfall. Or maybe you’re a history buff, and they tell you about a nearby museum hosting a special exhibit on your favorite era. It’s like they’ve got insider knowledge on all the best stuff around.

But here’s the really cool part: even if you think you know everything there is to know about your passion, the folks at the tourism center might surprise you. They could recommend events, workshops, or even guided tours that give you a whole new perspective.

And hey, it’s not just about finding new things to do. Sometimes, just chatting with the staff can spark ideas or lead to unexpected connections. They’re like your personal guides to exploration, helping you uncover hidden gems and dive deeper into what you love.

So next time you’re feeling stuck or just looking for a little adventure, swing by your local tourism information center. You never know what kind of magic you might discover.

11. Follow Influencers

Girl using Phone.

You know, I gotta admit, following influencers isn’t always my cup of tea. Sometimes it feels like everyone’s just trying to sell you something.

But you know what? I’ve realized that there’s more to it than that.

Sure, there are plenty of influencers out there peddling products and living their best #blessed lives. But if you look past all the glitz and glam, you might find some hidden gems who actually share valuable insights and knowledge.

Here’s the thing: Let’s say you’re obsessed with baking. Instead of just seeing the latest cupcake decorating trends (yawn!), you could find an influencer who focuses on historical baking techniques or wild flavor combinations.  

Suddenly, your baking world explodes with new possibilities!

Plus, some influencers are like digital teachers. They might share in-depth tutorials on a specific skill you’ve been wanting to learn, or hidden gems in the world of your hobby – like that tiny shop with the craziest selection of cupcake molds you never knew existed.

The key is to find influencers who seem genuine and share your taste. Not some random celebrity hopping on a trend.

There are plenty of smaller creators out there who share niche interests and passions that you might never have discovered otherwise. 

Whether it’s cooking, photography, gardening, or anything in between, there’s probably an influencer out there who’s just as obsessed with it as you are.

So yeah, while I might not be jumping on the influencer bandwagon anytime soon, I can definitely see the value in following a few who actually bring something meaningful to the table.

12. Watch documentaries

Hey, have you ever gotten lost in a really good documentary? I’m telling you, they’re like windows into whole new worlds, and they can totally help you discover new things related to your passions.

Let’s say you’re super into wildlife. You pop on a nature documentary, and suddenly you’re diving into the depths of the ocean with marine biologists or trekking through the rainforest with conservationists. 

You learn about exotic species, ecosystems, and conservation efforts happening around the globe. It’s fascinating stuff, and it can really deepen your love for all things wild.

So next time you’re scrolling through Netflix or flipping channels, why not give a documentary a shot? You never know what amazing discoveries you might make from the comfort of your own couch.

13. Listening to Podcasts

Alright, so podcasts. They seem like just chatting, right? But it’s like having a bunch of really interesting friends in your ear whenever you want. And you know what’s great? They’re an awesome way to discover new things related to your passions.

Podcasts cover pretty much every topic under the sun. Whether you’re into cooking, psychology, sports, or anything else, there’s bound to be a podcast out there that speaks to your interests. 

And the best part?  You can listen while commuting, doing chores, or even working out (if it’s not super intense!).

So next time you’re looking for something to listen to, don’t just blast your usual playlist. Search for podcasts related to your interests.

14. Doing DIY Projects

Doing DIY Projects.

You know that feeling when you’re neck-deep in a DIY project, and suddenly you realize, “Hey, this is actually pretty cool!”?

Whether you’re painting a room, fixing a leaky faucet, or planting a garden, every project teaches you something new about yourself and your passions.

Here are some cool DIY projects you can do:

59 DIY Projects To Tidy Up Your Life And Spruce Up Your Space


50 Incredible DIY Home Projects

15. Try Volunteering

You know, volunteering can be a fantastic way to discover new things related to your passions. It’s not just about giving back to the community – although that’s a big part of it – but it also opens up a whole new world of experiences and learning opportunities.

And sometimes, volunteering can even help you uncover passions you didn’t know you had. 

You might volunteer for something completely outside your usual interests just to try something new and end up loving it. 

It’s a great way to step out of your comfort zone and explore different fields.

How do I find volunteering programs?

Websites like VolunteerMatch, Idealist, and All for Good let you search for volunteer opportunities based on your interests, location, and availability. These platforms have a wide range of opportunities, from one-time events to long-term commitments.

You can also reach out to local nonprofits that align with your interests. Most nonprofits have volunteer coordinators who can provide information about current opportunities. You can often find contact information and volunteer needs on their websites.

If you work for a company, check to see if they have a corporate volunteering program. Many companies organize group volunteer activities and may offer time off for employees to volunteer.

So, if you’re looking to discover new things related to your passions, give volunteering a try. You never know what new interests or opportunities might come your way!

16. Joining Clubs or Organizations

Two people who are in a Book Club.

Clubs and organizations also provide a structured environment to explore your interests more seriously. If you’re into technology, for example, joining a coding club or a tech meetup group can keep you updated on the latest trends and tools. You might even find a niche within tech, like AI or cybersecurity, that you’re particularly excited about.

Moreover, these groups often organize events, guest speakers, and networking opportunities. You might get to attend seminars, conferences, or workshops that you wouldn’t have known about otherwise. 

These experiences can open your eyes to new aspects of your passion and give you a broader understanding of the field.

And let’s not forget the social aspect. Meeting people who share your interests can lead to lifelong friendships and collaborations. You’ll have a support system that encourages you and helps you grow. 

Sometimes, just talking about your passions with others can reignite your enthusiasm and lead to discovering new dimensions of what you love.

So, joining clubs and organizations isn’t just about the activities—they’re a great way to expand your horizons, meet new people, and deepen your engagement with what you’re passionate about.

Remember, discovering your passions is an ongoing process. Stay curious, open-minded, and willing to try new things. Your passions are out there waiting for you to find them, and each step you take brings you closer to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Keep exploring, and enjoy the journey!

Sharing is caring!

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